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Codman Square Delivery #2

Kristen Wixted

Last winter, right after a snowstorm, we delivered books to the Codman Square Health Center Pediatric Clinic in Dorchester, MA. Then again yesterday in the middle of a mid-August heatwave, I (Kristen) delivered books there again.

I have acquired a dolly (a donation from my 92-year-old mom ... who said she "might need it" but let me borrow it anyway) which made delivering 5 boxes full of board books and picture books much easier. Most of the picture books were from the donation from Shoshanna, the Horn Book award judge, and most of the board books were from my local moms group who donated to LBL in early May.

Our contact there, Dr. Mitchell, is infectiously enthusiastic and friendly. I can imagine she is a wonderful pediatrician and her patients must love her! She introduced me to her medical assistant, LaToya, who has the job of organizing the books after they are delivered. LaToya told me she loves looking at all the books because she's a children's book lover like many of us. She helped me move the boxes and showed me some of the books they have from another donation and where she's going to put them. I love meeting people who love giving books to kids as much as I do. It's such a gift.

They let me take a photo. I'm getting better at asking :)

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